My name is Darla. I am 27 years old, doing federal prison time in Canada. I was delivering cocaine for a man who used me.
Let me explain some things. I’m 5’6″ tall, I weigh 120 pounds. I’m an only child of an average family. All my life I’ve been called ugly. I inherited my grandfather’s rather large nose and all my life I’ve had rude, hurting remarks about my nose. Comments like ‘What a dog!’ to ‘She’d be pretty, but that nose, wow!’ I’ve gone to bed many nights, crying and lonely. I used to hate myself, I even thought about killing myself a few times.
Two years ago, this handsome guy came up to me on the street smiling. He started to talk to me and invited me for a burger and soda. I was feeling like I was on cloud nine, a handsome man paying attention to me! He kept asking me to go out to eat with him. Once, he even gave me flowers and candy, for no reason at all. He used to hold me close to himself and he’d give me big hugs, but never kissed me. But I ‘fell in love’ with him.
After about three months, he asked me to mail letters for him or to drop clothes off at the cleaners for him. Now I know he was setting me up to do other things. And, one day he gave me a small box, asking me to deliver it to an address. I did. From there it was almost every day he asked me to deliver these small boxes to various addresses. I was so ‘in love’ I got stupid. I never asked what was in the boxes.
Then, one day, as I walked up the steps of an old apartment complex with a small box to be delivered for my handsome man, I was thrown to the floor and handcuffed by two agents. I was arrested for delivery of cocaine. And that handsome man, he had given me a fake name, and he moved when he found out I was busted! Now, I was not only ugly but I was stupid too!
While awaiting my trial, a woman in jail gave me a CON-TRACT by Otto Ball in the USA. It was titled ‘It was one of those days.’ After reading it I requested a Bible and read about salvation in Jesus. I was in tears and asked God’s forgiveness.
In prison, a Christian woman showed me how to use make-up properly, and she showed me my nose is not big and I’m not ugly either! I not only got saved by Jesus, but I got beautiful too! How can anyone do better than all of that?
Reading the Bible made me a more positive person, because I know the day will come that I will be in God’s presence, for eternity!
Thank you Jesus, for saving me!
Love, Darla
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30
Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against God and am a sinner.
Right now, I repent and turn from my ugly sins. I believe You died for my sins, were buried, and rose again the third day from death, that I may have the beauty of eternal life through you. I open my heart and life to You now, and receive You as my beautiful Savior and Lord.
I claim this free gift of eternal life, and thank You for saving me now and making me beautiful, in You.
In Your Name I pray, Amen.
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Romans 10:15
Now, go and share the Good News of the beautiful, new life we can have in Jesus!
(c) 2014 CON-TRACTS
Founder & Artwork:
Paul Bero # 192686, Michigan Prisoner
Testimony of: Darla, Canada Federal Prisoner
This tract may be reprinted for free distribution.