Aaron Love’s Testimony

God works in mysterious ways, I assure you, I never have thought I’d be as joyful and content as I am here in prison, considering my story and how I got here.  I’m an inmate in Pennsylvania serving time for charges from 2009.  I am 34 years old and this is my testimony and my way of giving glory to God.
My name is Aaron Love.  I grew up without my parents, I lived with my Aunt; my cousin whom I was a victim of sexual molestation.   I have been a disturbed person ever since I can remember.  I was severely depressed growing up, which ultimately led to drug abuse.  I’d been on antidepressants trying to make the pain go away.  I felt that Aaron was a bad person.  By the time I was in the 7th grade I was smoking cigarettes and even sexually active.  I was slowly getting out of control and running with the local out casts.  I would do vandalism, robberies and plain disrespect was fun to me.  I was out of control, everything that I knew as my life, was gone.  The geographical change didn’t cure anything.  At age 14 I was selling my body and by 18 I was on drugs, I found the local drug dealers.  I attracted them for some reason, so I lived in the streets and the streets lived in me.
 After a few years of insanity, being on the run from my parole officer thinking this was a game, so at the end of my rope, I gave up.  I just couldn’t run another day.  I couldn’t smoke another hit, I sat down on one of the corners I usually worked at and I cried.  I asked God to help me.  What happened next was amazing; my cell phone rang, it was my best friend telling me to come to her house so as I turned the corner, everything in me screamed, “Get Up”! Move! Walk! But I stood there and told myself “this is it.”  I stood, held my hands out, I was asked what my name was, and then I heard a voice say this is your lucky day.  Needless to say I have not smoked crack since.  I had no one out there but one friend.  Yet God sent me a lady from my church whom I owe my life to and my obedience to God.  Now I have some contact with my friends and my church once again.
On 12-9-09 when I turned myself in; the judge gave me two consecutive five year sentences.  I walked out of court with my head down low.  I can now say with God in my life on June 6th, 2010 I got a letter from my lawyer saying I am now going to do two ½ to five years.  At that time my family stopped writing me, has nothing to do with me still to this day.  But I will not give up on contacting my family.  God has brought me this far in life so I thank Him every day.   So I sit here almost two years later waiting to be paroled.  I’m so grateful that God has saved me from the streets.
Every day is a good day, although I have to carefully choose my thoughts not to complain no matter how bad I think I have it.  One thing I’ve learned in here is you don’t have to be behind a barbed wire or electric fence to be locked up.  I am the care free, joyful person I was meant to be in life.
I hope the Lord has revealed something to you using my testimony.  There isn’t a day that goes by that God doesn’t remind me that he’s right here with me and He loves me.  I believe God is working behind the scenes.  Believe with me.  One of my favorite verses is Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.  Also God says; He will not give you more than you can handle.
I hope this testimony has been a blessing to you.  If you would like to read how others in similar situations have experienced the life transforming power of God please write to me at the address below.  We now have over 35 testimonies of those whose lives have been transformed by God’s amazing Grace.  Please send us your testimony as well. We would also like artwork and poetry to use in this ministry.
Bro. Otto Ball
C/o Crossroads Ministry
P.O. Box 363
Hyde, PA  16843

The Roman Road

I had a pretty good opinion of myself until a friend invited me to take a walk down the Roman Road.  He used a single book in the Bible to open my eyes to my relationship with God, and I haven’t been the same since.
He warned me that the trip might hurt, and he was right because he started by revealing my real status before God.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God …
Romans 3:23.
Then I learned of sin’s penalty.
For the wages of sin is death     …Romans 6:23a
He went on to tell me that God loves me so much he offers an alternative called “Eternal Life” …but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ … Romans 6:23b.
Then he showed me how God provided his son Jesus as a atoning Sacrifice for my sin.  Jesus took my penalty!  But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8.
I wondered if God would accept me.  He assured me with even more good news.  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved… Romans 10:13.
My friend showed me what I should do to receive Eternal Life.  That if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God raise him from the dead, thou shall be save … Romans 10:9
We prayed together, and I gladly accepted God’s gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.

No Joke Intended

santa‘It is the season to be jolly’ is what we’ve heard many a time. And the person everyone first thinks of is jolly old Santa Claus! So what’s so wrong about all that?

Well, if you and your family know that it is just a simple, made-up story, and if you let your kids know it too, then I suppose it’s okay to go along with the joke.

However, it is really important to know and to teach what truth really is. Most of all that many centuries ago this man called St. Nicholas went around and gave a few gifts to a few children in his small town. That is fairly accurate and fairly true. But over the years, the story of a kind man who gave a few gifts away has grown into this big lie about someone called Santa Claus, who lives at the North Pole, who has elves working for him, who owns flying reindeer, who somehow carries a bag full of toys and gifts for everyone in the world (how big is that bag?), who is able to stop at every home in the world in less than 12 hours! Hey, I want to meet that joker! But, we know it is all just a made-up story. Let’s be honest!

The reason we celebrate Christmas is that it is a remembrance of birth of Christ. Jesus was not born on December 25th, we are sure of that. But the day of December 25th has been chosen long ago as the day we should remember that God came down to earth as The Baby Jesus, to become our Savior. Giving gifts to The Baby Jesus by the three wise men (and we have no idea how many wise men there were, but there were three gifts given) is probably why people started to give each other gifts. We can think of the white snow of winter as pure white, and how Jesus came to cleanse us of our sins. The three wise men rode on camels, not flying reindeer. My one grandfather lived to be 93 years old. He’d never seen a reindeer fly in his 95 years, but you can keep looking if you want! Let’s just stick with the truth and teach our children the truth, no more joking around!

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus. (Matthew 1:18-25)

Con-Tracts (c) 2017
Editor: Paul Bero, MI Prisoner # 192686
Artist: Klayton Seavey, MI prisoner
This tract may be copied in its entirety, for free distribution.

Natural Life: Testimony of Gene Anderson

It wasn’t going to be a very big island, just large enough to facilitate the things that I deemed necessary on it. Drawing our energy from the sea, sun, and wind, I planned on it being a totally self-sufficient nation, not dependent upon any foreign country for anything.

There would be no money, no bills, no charge for anything. All living on the island would be required to perform the job that they were hired for. Food, housing, transportation, entertainment, etc., would be provide by the government. (Island Control=IC)

I decided on an island because I thought it would be easier to defend. I would have an army, navy, and air force. Attack helicopters and vertical takeoff jets would eliminate the need for a lengthy runway. Undersea lookout posts, submarines, and trained dolphins would be our underwater “eyes.”

Island pride would be strongly enforced. The first offense of littering would find the guilty party cleaning the streets for five straight days, five hours a day before or after their regular shift. Unfortunately, the island was going to have its dark side. Our “business” would be comprised of international espionage, sabotage, and blackmail.

Those living on the island would be classified from 1 (high level risk) to 4 (low level risk). A level three or four wanting to leave the island would have a somewhat fair chance of reaching their destination. However, a level one or two could come up “missing.” As long as the resident did everything that they were supposed to do, they would be OK, but if they did anything that I did not like, the consequences could be severe.

This was part of my ultimate goal: to obtain an island and run it in a Utopian fashion that would set the standard for all other countries. It was set in my mind that nothing on or above this earth was going to keep me from this dream. No matter the cost—including family and friends—I would become the “Supreme Commander” on the “Black Empire.”

I made up names for cities, such as, Borgan-York and Rintzmitter. I designed insignia for the various ranks of officers and spent hundreds of dollars on my own person hat, insignia, and uniform. My closest friends at the time already had their offices. One was my Industrial Marshall, one was my security chief, and the other would be in charge of “dirty work.” Yes—I was serious.

One of my ideas was to become a hitman. And to be one, I needed a gun. So, I bought one through a friend (“Bill”) with the understanding that I would not have to get it registered. Evidently, there was a miscommunication, because after I had it modified to accept a silencer, the guy that I bought it from told Bill that I either had to get it registered or sell it back to him. Well, I could not get it registered because it had been altered. And, I had no intention of giving back the “tool of my trade.”

With my refusal to do either, the guy started asking Bill where I lived. Bill refused to tell him, so the guy threatened to break Bill’s legs, if he did not give me up. When Bill asked what we should do, my response was that we had to “eliminate” the “problem.” Again, nothing was going to come between me and my island.

So, we planned it out. And, on July 4th, 1985, I took that man’s life. The crime was easy to commit. But, the day after, while looking at myself in the mirror, my conscience was tearing me up. “What have you done,” I kept thinking. But, instead of allowing this moment to change me for the better, I hardened my heart and the remorse soon left.

A year-and-a-half later, thinking that I had gotten away with murder, I was arrested. While sitting in the county jail, I kept thinking, “Is this how the ‘Empire’ is going to end?” I also tried to convince myself that this was just a nightmare and that I would soon be waking up. But this was a real as it gets!

natural life

One of the worst things about this was realizing how many people who cared about me would be shocked and devastated by what happened. This was one of a few times in my life that I actually felt sorry for those who would be affected by my actions.

Once I was in my cell, and having no religious background, I did something that I had never done before—I picked up a Bible and began to read it. GENESIS 1:1: “IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH…” As I continued to read through the rest of the Chapter, I thought those were the most awesome words that I had ever read.

I read it every day and went to services whenever I could. The LORD knew that I needed all the help that I could get, so HE had me housed on the floor where all the religious services were held. The Bible says that “THE WORD OF GOD IS QUICK (alive) AND POWERFUL…” (HEB. 4:12), and it began to work in me.

After about a month, my need for salvation was fully realized. I needed forgiveness and I knew that only JESUS CHRIST could provide it. I knelt beside my bunk and asked the LORD to forgive me for all my sins—and HE did!

Even though I was feeling miserable for all the evils that I had done, I knew that I had been given a new life and that I was not the same wicked man that I used to be. I was a “NEW CREATION” (II COR. 5:17). The evidence for this miraculous change is incredible. My hatred for those who “betrayed” me was gone. GOD had given me a value for human life. I was sent to the state prison on December 16, 1987. Even though I am in prison, I can truly say that I am freer now than when I was I the world. Out there, I never had CHRIST, I was a tormented person.



Testimony of Gene Anderson—Michigan
Con-Tracts © 2019
Founder: Paul Bero—Michigan
Artist: R. Spooner—Michigan

This tract may be copied in its entirety for free distribution.

The courts tell me that I will die I prison. Even if I do, what is this life compared to eternity? As Jesus said, “FOR WHAT SHALL A MAN GIVE IN EXCHANGE FOR HIS SOUL?” (MATT.16:26) First, admit you are a sinner in need of forgiveness, because everyone has sinned (ROM. 3:23). Then, repent of your sins and ask JESUS to forgive you. “FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED” (ROM. 10:13)


Those were the last three words I can recall from my days on the ball field.

bat-manMy name is Randy. I’m 22 years old. I’m in prison. What more can I say? I asked CON-TRACTS not to use my real name or where I’m from. I don’t want to disgrace my family more than I have already.

I was in college. Business ran in my family for the last 150 years. I wanted to follow that family tradition. I also love to play baseball. I was good at any position except catcher or pitcher. My batting average was every bit as good as most major league players. Several major league scouts approached me in the summer of 2013. My chance of getting into the majors was excellent, for sure!

Then, I got involved in something. I got involved in shoplifting for excitement, with three guys I knew. I had money. I could have purchased anything I really wanted. But these guys invited me to go on a spree with them. We stole over $3,000 worth of goods in one night, from five stores. We were drinking beer and laughing and partying at our victories over security guards and security systems! Then, every weekend for about eight months we’d go out on this stealing spree, just for fun.

I was at the ball field. I was actually having a bad day batting that Wednesday! Strike one! Strike two! Strike three! ‘Out! Yer out!’, the umpire shouted. As I walked off the field two police officers handcuffed me and hauled me off to jail. A security camera had caught me stealing in a store. There was a search warrant, and they found well over $20,000 of stolen appliances in my apartment.

I could’ve been one of the best batmen in major league baseball, but I struck out! A man in prison talked to me about sin and the Savior! I got saved by Jesus Christ in prison. With Jesus, I’ll never be ‘Out’. I’ll always be saved.

My family started talking to me again. My little sister made Jesus her Savior too! I’ll be in prison for a while yet, but I’m using this time to learn not only business, but also God’s business! I learned my lesson! Please turn to God before it’s too late.

God’s game-plan for you begins with a new relationship with Him, through Jesus Christ. You can begin that relationship today….

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against God and am a sinner.

Right now, I repent and turn from my sins. I believe You died for my sins, were buried, and rose again the third day from death, that I may have eternal life through you. I open my heart and life to You now, and receive You as my Savior and Lord.

I claim this free gift of eternal life, and thank You for saving me now, that I may never be ‘out’ of your presence.

In Your Name I pray, Amen.

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  -Philippians 3:14

Now, go and share the Good News that by following God’s game-plan for our lives, through Jesus Christ, we will never be ‘out’ of His eternal presence!

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
Proverbs 11:30

This tract printed and distributed by:
PMB 233

Beauty: Darla’s Testimony


My name is Darla. I am 27 years old, doing federal prison time in Canada. I was delivering cocaine for a man who used me.

Let me explain some things. I’m 5’6″ tall, I weigh 120 pounds. I’m an only child of an average family. All my life I’ve been called ugly. I inherited my grandfather’s rather large nose and all my life I’ve had rude, hurting remarks about my nose. Comments like ‘What a dog!’ to ‘She’d be pretty, but that nose, wow!’ I’ve gone to bed many nights, crying and lonely. I used to hate myself, I even thought about killing myself a few times.

Two years ago, this handsome guy came up to me on the street smiling. He started to talk to me and invited me for a burger and soda. I was feeling like I was on cloud nine, a handsome man paying attention to me! He kept asking me to go out to eat with him. Once, he even gave me flowers and candy, for no reason at all. He used to hold me close to himself and he’d give me big hugs, but never kissed me. But I ‘fell in love’ with him.

After about three months, he asked me to mail letters for him or to drop clothes off at the cleaners for him. Now I know he was setting me up to do other things. And, one day he gave me a small box, asking me to deliver it to an address. I did. From there it was almost every day he asked me to deliver these small boxes to various addresses. I was so ‘in love’ I got stupid. I never asked what was in the boxes.

Then, one day, as I walked up the steps of an old apartment complex with a small box to be delivered for my handsome man, I was thrown to the floor and handcuffed by two agents. I was arrested for delivery of cocaine. And that handsome man, he had given me a fake name, and he moved when he found out I was busted! Now, I was not only ugly but I was stupid too!

While awaiting my trial, a woman in jail gave me a CON-TRACT by Otto Ball in the USA. It was titled ‘It was one of those days.’ After reading it I requested a Bible and read about salvation in Jesus. I was in tears and asked God’s forgiveness.

In prison, a Christian woman showed me how to use make-up properly, and she showed me my nose is not big and I’m not ugly either! I not only got saved by Jesus, but I got beautiful too! How can anyone do better than all of that?

Reading the Bible made me a more positive person, because I know the day will come that I will be in God’s presence, for eternity!

Thank you Jesus, for saving me!

Love, Darla

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against God and am a sinner.

Right now, I repent and turn from my ugly sins. I believe You died for my sins, were buried, and rose again the third day from death, that I may have the beauty of eternal life through you. I open my heart and life to You now, and receive You as my beautiful Savior and Lord.

I claim this free gift of eternal life, and thank You for saving me now and making me beautiful, in You.

In Your Name I pray, Amen.

How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Romans 10:15

Now, go and share the Good News of the beautiful, new life we can have in Jesus!

(c) 2014 CON-TRACTS
Founder & Artwork:
Paul Bero # 192686, Michigan Prisoner
Testimony of: Darla, Canada Federal Prisoner
This tract may be reprinted for free distribution.

Fast & Curious

fast & curiousAs a young boy, I loved to put together model cars, but I often turned them into my very own custom cars, by cutting, adding, and completely changing different things about them. I loved custom cars and hot rods. I always wanted a custom car—a hot rod that was a fast car!

In my senior year of high school in the 1960s, My Dad told me I could get myself a car of my own! When I was only 7 years-old, I used to work on my grandparents 100+ acre farm every summer, so I had about 10 years savings in the bank. My Dad told me to look around and then he would go with me to put his “OK” on it. One day I was driving down a country road in Pinconning, Michigan, when it appeared in a weedy corner of an old home—it was calling my name! A metallic green, customized 1940 Ford. It was show-room clean, chrome reverse rims, custom rolled bucket seats, 3-speed on the floor, and under that big heavy hood, a chromed and souped-up Buick engine. Wow!

An elderly couple came out of the house, and I asked the price of this car with a big “For Sale” sign in the front window. They told me that it belonged to their son, a young man who had died while on a trip to Texas. The couple told me that they just wanted to sell it. They had no use for an old 1940 Ford. They asked me if I would give them $800 for it. I never even tried to start the engine—I just wanted to own it! I was not even able to do a complete walk-around, as it was surrounded by bushes and tall weeds. I told them that I would be back the next day with my Dad, so I asked them not to sell it.

The next day I got my Dad to go with me so that he could inspect the car. I told him it was $800, but I did not tell him the rest of the story. When we arrived, my Dad took one look at it, popped open the hood, and all I heard was, “No way you will have this fast car!” I was devastated, my heart sank, and my face sank to the ground.

A few days later, I was talking about the car to some guys. When I told them where I had seen it, they told me my dream car was bought by someone from another town. Then, I heard from others that the guy who bought the car for $800, not only got a great price for the custom car, but he found a wooden box in the trunk with more than 2,000 old silver dollars in it! I was even more devastated.


Back then, I wanted customs cars—fast cars and money in the bank. I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it. I wanted certain things and I was ready to work hard to get them, if that is what it took.

So, how does “curious” fit into this story? Glad you asked? Now that I am a lot older and wiser, I am curious as to what would have happened, IF I had gotten to own that fast 1940 Ford. I know that I would have raced anyone who challenged me. I know if I sat at a traffic light and a guy in a fast car was next to me. We would look at each other with that knowing “look” and a nod of our heads. We would be squealing rubber when the light turned green, speeding from light to light, hoping a police car would not hear or see us. I know there would be nights with our headlights off, while speeding on old US 23 between Pinconning and Standish—the moon keeping us on the pavement.

I do not doubt that I would have been in a wreck sooner or later, perhaps a wreck that would have taken my life. All those things that I bought with money that I earned on the farm would be left behind and my body under six feet of dirt.

I would be “curious” where my spirit would have gone! I doubt that I would be in Heaven, as I did not understand faith in Christ. More than likely, I would be in the torments of Hell, where there is no exit. It just goes on forever with no peace, ever! Yes, I used to go to church on Sunday; yes, I did do quite a few good deeds. But I never knew, read, or studied the Bible. So, I never knew what God required of me to be saved from Hell.

But, now, older wiser, I have read and studied the Bible, and God’s simple requirement to be saved. God requires 100 percent faith in Jesus Christ, that He died to save me, and that Jesus rose from the dead just as God said. It is all in the Bible. Pick up a Bible today, as it is your only opportunity to know the truth!

Read these verses:

John, Chapter 3, verses 16-18
John, Chapter 6, verse 35
John, Chapter 10, verses 11, 14
John, Chapter 11, verses 25-26
II Corinthians, Chapter 5, verse 21
Romans, Chapter 5, verse 8
Romans, Chapter 6, verse 4, 5
Romans, Chapter 8, verse 1

Con-Tracts © 2019
Testimony: Paul Bero
Artist: Rick Spooner, Michigan
This tract may be printed in its entirety for free distribution.


The Roman Road

I had a pretty good opinion of myself until a friend invited me to take a walk down the Roman Road. He used a single book in the Bible to open my eyes to my relationship with God, and I haven’t been the same since.

He warned me that the trip might hurt, and he was right because he started by revealing my real status before God.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God… Romans 3:23

Then I learned of sin’s penalty.

For the wages of sin is death… Romans 6:23a

He went on to tell me that God loves me so much he offers an alternative called “Eternal Life” …but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ… Romans 6:23b.

Then he showed me how God provided his son Jesus as an atoning Sacrifice for my sin. Jesus took my penalty! But God commendeth his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

I wondered if God would accept me. He assured me with even more good news. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13

My friend showed me what I should do to receive Eternal Life. That if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved… Romans 10:9

We prayed together, and I gladly accepted God’s gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.

Mindee’s Miracle Meal

mindeeHey you all, greetings from down south! My name is Mindee. I turned 31 in May of 2017. I would like to share my story with you. I hope you will learn from it.

In school I was a popular girl, the cheerleader, the one everyone wanted to hang out with. In college nothing changed, but everything changed! I was 5’8″, 130 pounds, I was a part-time model. I learned to sing in grade school. I loved to sing. My parents had money, quite wealthy actually. I owned a Corvette my senior year of high school. I’m bragging ain’t I? Well, don’t let all of this ‘glory’ fool you. I was depressed all my life. I was never happy inside. I tried some drugs. I got drunk from time to time. But I never was truly happy, deep down inside. Twice in my life I tried suicide. I purposely took a bottle of sleeping pills, but I woke up the next day very sick. My stomach hurt, my head hurt, I could not believe I woke up! The other attempt I won’t discuss, but it did not work.

In college I never really studied. My professor gave me good marks anyway! Basically, for me, it was a big waste of time. I was not there to learn, I was just there because I was depressed and bored with life. I often wondered why I was even born. I did not enjoy life at all.

My dad told me to trade my Corvette in for a new one. He always bought me things. He thought I’d be happy; I wasn’t. At the car dealership I met a young salesman, maybe two or three years older than me but young. He had a big smile as he greeted me. He was very polite, very friendly. The next day I picked up my new, white Corvette. The salesman, Ron, asked if he could buy me dinner. I said yes, and later that night we met at a nice, quiet lounge. Ron ordered for us. He was different from most men: nicer, caring. He thanked me for buying a car from him. He looked deep into my eyes, then he asked me what was wrong. I was stunned and confused. I asked him what he meant. Ron said, ‘I sense you are depressed and you have a heavy, unhappy heart.’ I almost stood up and left but I couldn’t! He began to tell me that God placed it on his heart to talk to me. ‘God!’ A guy asks for a date and talks about God??? My family had no connection to religion, let alone to God, yet I thought there is a God. Ron just kept talking. He told me how Jesus Christ changes people. How people who really know and trust in Christ have joy. He told me he once studied about Elvis Presley, how rich the man was yet his secret joy was knowing God and reading his Bible in private. Ron told me of all the wealthy people he had met, yet they were never really happy. The more Ron talked about Jesus Christ, the more I wanted to hear! Right there, Ron pulled out a small Bible, he turned to pages that look like they’ve been read one million times. Ron showed me the words; he spoke those words to me. The more he read, the more I wanted to hear, and the more I knew God was very real! The waiter kept coming to our table, Ron kept ordering food although we were not eating, we were just sitting there digesting the Bible’s words! Three hours and a food bill of $238 plus tax and tip later, I made Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior! I did cry as Ron read the pain Christ went through because of my sins, but I was so joyful knowing my sins were now forgiven! Ron never again asked me out, but we see each other quite often. We always smile and shout, ‘Praise the Lord!’ to each other.

I go to church now, and every day I read from my Bible. I have stood up and sang praise songs at church, but I gave up other singing. I still own my Corvette but I won’t let my dad buy me a new one. My parents think I’m kind of nuts. They do not want to hear about God. I can only pray for them.
My life changed, not only do I not take money from my parents, but I am a salesperson in a big department store. I don’t make a lot of money. I have a small apartment, and I am the happiest woman ever, since I put my faith in Jesus Christ! Depression has no part of me anymore. I have found the cure… Jesus Christ!

Okay, you guys want to know… I’m not married. I’ve not really dated either. I figure that when God sends the right guy to me, I’ll know! Until then, I just try to share what God has done for me. In 2018, I’ll be moving to Georgia or South Carolina, depending on the job offers. So if you see a ‘Mindee’ name tag, ask if it is me. I’ll be glad talk to you about Jesus! I keep a Bible on the passenger seat of my Vette too, so be prepared to hear the Good News! Jesus Christ is Freedom, Joy, and eternal Life! God bless.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23)

“For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23a)

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17)

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:6)

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”(2 Corinthians 5:21)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”(1 John 1:9)

“… The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”(Mark 1:15)

“Jesus saith… I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”(John 14:6)

“Jesus said… I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”(John 11:25-26)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”(2 Corinthians5:17)

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”(John 3:36)

O heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of truth, who art in all places and fillest all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life: Come and dwell in me and cleanse me from every stain, and save my soul, O gracious Lord.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on me. Lord, cleanse me from my sins. Master, pardon my iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal my infirmities for thy Name’s sake. Lord, have mercy.

Poker: The Day I Won! Testimony of NY Prisoner

portraitTestimony of: Carlinda M., New York Prisoner

Hey you all! My name is Carlinda. I’m a 46-year-old American of African heritage. I’ve been in prison for six years now for doing ‘great bodily harm, less than murder.’

My daddy taught me how to play poker, how to cheat at poker, and how to win at poker, and he taught me well! I’ve been dealing and playing poker since I was nine years old, so I know what I’m doing! My daddy taught me how to take care of myself too.

It was a Friday night, and I had a good game going in my apartment; five younger brothers, a white guy about 40 years old, and myself. There was a lot of money on the table, a whole lot of money! I should have let it go, but I decided to draw one. I thought it would help me. I messed up. Now all I can do is try to bluff everyone. And, I did. I bluffed. The man who could have won, threw in his hand. I won the pot! One of the younger guys drew a gun, said I was cheating. He did not know I had a knife taped under the table. I sliced his leg up real bad. His gun went off, two city cops were right outside and ran up. I was arrested and given eight years for the assault and weapon.

I started to go to Protestant-Baptist church services at the prison. My granny used to take me when I was six years old. I began to sing in the choir too. My singing, if you pardon the expression, ‘drew a full house’.

Yes, I laid down the cards, I picked up the Bible. On that day I really won! Thank you Jesus, for saving a wretch like me! Hallelujah!


“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)

“For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23a)

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17)

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:6)

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”(2 Corinthians 5:21)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”(1 John 1:9)

“… The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”(Mark 1:15)And what is the Gospel…the Good News we are to believe?…

“Jesus saith… I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”(John 14:6)

“Jesus said… I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”(John 11:25-26)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”(2 Corinthians 5:17)

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”(John 3:36)

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against God and am a sinner. Right now, I repent and turn from my sins. I believe that You died for my sins, were buried, and rose again the third day from death, that I may have eternal life through you. I open my heart and life to You now, and receive You as my personal Savior and Lord. I claim this free gift of eternal life, and thank You for saving me now and giving me a new life in You.
In Your Name I pray, Amen.

(c) 2015 CON-TRACTS

Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner# 192686

Artist: Juley Williams, former Georgia Prisoner

This tract may be reproduced in its entirety, for free distribution.

Nancy’s World: Testimony of Nancy, currently in Federal Prison

nancyHello! My name is Nancy. Well, it’s my middle name, I always used because I like it better than my real first name. Let’s see, where do I start? Well, this is the month of December, 2014; I am 27 years old, I’m in prison, going on my second year. I have eight more years to go. I’ve been called a 5 foot 2, cute, blue-eyed blonde for years. When I was in high school, somewhere in Louisiana, I got into acting. I was in every play our school put on. I loved it and I was good at it, too. After I graduated, I paid for more acting classes. I wanted to be a full-time actress. It was my true ambition. It was my world!

Becoming a ‘Big Time’ actress is not easy. There is a lot of competition, a lot of rip-off companies, and it does help to know the right people (I didn’t).

At age 20, I found myself in some pretty good roles in various stage plays. You don’t make much money on stage but its fun and I hoped it would be a step closer to the world I wanted to be in.

At age 24, I was able to get into some rather cheaply made science fiction movies; another step closer to the world I hoped to live in! It was at age 24 I was told I had to take a part that required partial nudity. Deep down I did not want to do it but it could be a step closer to the world of acting that I wanted to be a part of. I took that role and I really hated it. I felt dirty and used, but it was a step closer to the world of stardom!

By age 25, I had done several movies that now included full nudity, movies that I did not like doing. Stupid, stupid me, I did them anyway. I was no richer. I was no closer to being Judy Garland or Bette Davis! I was just a 5 foot 2, cute, blue-eyed blonde, who took a little money to show a lot of body! I was sick about it. I got depressed about it. I needed something.

At age 25, I got what I needed. I got hooked up with a dope dealer and I started with pills, expensive pills, then expensive cocaine. I could not get enough, I needed it!

At age 25 I met a man on a motorcycle, a man who wore the colors of a biker group, a man who offered me a sweet deal on drugs, a man who later arrested me for drugs and for a small pistol in my purse. I was eventually sentenced to 10 years in federal prison. A world I did not like or want.

In prison, I do not tell my story of wanting to be an actress, although one lady recognized me from one of the sci-fi movies I was in. I convinced her the actress only looked like me.

In prison, someone gave me a salvation tract. It really touched my heart and then when I read how Jesus Christ gave up His life to pay for my sins, I cried, tears of both sorrow and joy! I began to study the Bible, especially the book of Romans. I placed my faith, 100% faith in the fact that Jesus paid for my sins! A couple months later, I found a couple of Con-Tracts at the Chaplain’s Office. God put it on my heart to share my testimony too. I’m not sure what I’ll do when I’m released from prison, but I’ll be doing things for God; because now I am part of His world. Be at peace.

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23)

“For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23a)

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17)

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:6)

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”(2 Corinthians 5:21)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”(1 John 1:9)

“… The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”(Mark 1:15)

And what is the Gospel…the Good News we are to believe?…

“Jesus saith… I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”(John 14:6)

“Jesus said… I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”(John 11:25-26)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”(2 Corinthians5:17)

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”(John 3:36)

Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against God and am a sinner. Right now, I repent and turn from my sins. I believe that You died for my sins, were buried, and rose again the third day from death, that I may have eternal life through you. I open my heart and life to You now, and receive You as my personal Savior and Lord. I claim this free gift of eternal life, and thank You for saving me now and giving me a new life in You. In Your Name I pray, Amen.

(c) 2015 CON-TRACTs
Editor: Paul Bero, Michigan Prisoner # 192686
Artwork by: Anonymous Prisoner, Kentucky

This tract may be copied or reprinted in its entirety, for free distribution.

Merry Christmas!

Why does Santa looks so sad? He discovered that the people all over the world believed in him, but not in God.

This is a puzzling statement, yet it is true! How is it that people can believe in things that are simply stories that have been enhanced over many years, yet they do not want to believe truth? Why is it this way?

I have an example from my own life. A bunch of men I’ve been with have a commercial microwave they all use. Every one of these men pull that microwave about a foot away from the wall. When I use it, I push it towards the wall. It makes access easier for me. I’ve been told a few thousand times that I will cause the microwave to burn up. I’m the type person who tries not to argue and I tend to look for facts. So, I wrote a letter to the manufacturer. I got a reply from the electronics department telling me there is no harm in pushing the microwave to the wall. The microwave is actually designed to operate in an enclosed cabinet. So, I shared this information which is fact, with a group of men. What was the result? They still insist they are correct and the engineers who designed that microwave are wrong!

I guess I give up on showing the facts to those men about the microwave! But, what about you? Do you believe in God; the God of the Bible that is?!
We know there was a man we call St. Nicholas who did some nice things. That story grew into one of the biggest, funniest stories I know of. And facts are facts. You can convince me of anything if I know the facts. Why should we believe in God, the God of the Bible? Here are a few reasons:
The Bible contains more than 900 prophecies, of which most have happened. The ones that have not yet happened, involve the end times. The prophecies were made, in some cases, many hundred years before they happened, but, they happened the way God told us it would happen. No other book ever written can even come close to this, because no other book really contains prophecies. Okay, you ask, ‘What about Nostradamus?’ Glad you brought him up! When you unbiasedly and truly study his writings, you’ll discover it is all a lot of baloney! Enough said.

Look at how complicated this world really is: our eyeball, how it works. How it differs from many animals. Think how the brain interprets what we see into thoughts and words. This is the eye. But our world contains millions of complicated things, and you expect me to believe there is no God that created it?

People tell me ‘ I do not believe in God or in Hell.’ They say when they die there is no afterlife. Well, think about this: if they are right, then I do not lose anything at all. But, if I am right, they will face God; they will end up in the torment of Hell and eternal torment. If I’m right, they lose everything! It is safer to be a believer. You will either lose nothing or gain everything! Our cartoon Santa is sad because the one true God of the Bible is sad too. God is sad that some people do not believe in Him, even though evidence of His handiwork is all around us. Seek God. Accept that Jesus Christ came to earth to save you! God bless!

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)

“For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23a)

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17)

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:6)

“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”(2 Corinthians 5:21)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”(1 John 1:9)

“… The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”(Mark 1:15)

“Jesus saith… I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”(John 14:6)

“Jesus said… I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”(John 11:25-26)

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”(2 Corinthians5:17)

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”(John 3:36)

O heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of truth, who art in all places and fillest all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life:

Come and dwell in me and cleanse me from every stain, and save my soul, O gracious Lord.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal: have mercy on me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on me. Lord, cleanse me from my sins. Master, pardon my iniquities. Holy God, visit and heal my infirmities for thy Name’s sake. Lord, have mercy.