crossI’ve been in prison since 1984. In the first month I picked up a Bible for the first time in my life and read the New Testament. I was convinced of being a sinner, I was convinced that Jesus Christ gave up His life to save me and forgive me eternally. My faith in His works was all God wanted from me. That is called God’s grace. I am a Bible believer.

In 2010 I was at a prison in Ionia, Michigan. It was a cold December day about 7pm, dark outside. I had my TV on, not really watching it, I had my headphones on, just chilling out. All of a sudden I heard these words: “Create salvation tracts.” I heard those words, yet not with my ears but a voice within. I sat up, looked for my roommate, he was not in the room. I shrugged it off, laid back down, then again heard “Create salvation tracts.” I sat up, looked out my window; it was dark, giant fluffy snowflakes drifted past my window. I repeated the words I heard but added a question mark at the end of them. I laid back down. This time I changed the TV channel to watch Jeopardy and thought no more about it all.

However, for the next two to three weeks it seems like those words “Create salvation tracts” haunted me! I finally told God, “OK, OK! I have no idea what I’m doing or how to do it, [but] I will create salvation tracts!”

I got hold of a typewriter and I typed out about 20 very short messages that explained salvation through Christ, I handed them out, men accepted them. The next few weeks I typed out more messages, now I not only handed them out but I mailed some out too. Then, I’m not an artist, but but I would draw designs and color them, using that as the front of the tract, with a message inside. I mailed out a few dozen. I did get a few positive replies.

As time went on I found real artists to create some great designs, and I’d add longer, more powerful messages and testimonies, with the salvation message.

Finally, I found a ministry in New Jersey who was reluctant to print my tracts but to his and my surprise he printed 5,000 of 3 of my tracts. His church took them to the streets and people wanted more! From 2010 to about 2017 the ministry printed over 850,000 of my tracts and they’ve gone all over the world.

A second ministry in Pennsylvania began printing my tracts in 2011, and still might be printing a few, but from 2011 to about 2017 they printed thousands and distributed them worldwide.

A third ministry in Washington state printed several dozen of my tracts, they’ve printed and distributed a few thousand anywhere in the world.

I love it when God uses me. I do not get paid a penny, I do spent a few pennies to get things done, but God gave me this project to do, I just do it.

Right now if anyone is interested in setting up, printing, and distributing my tracts, please contact this website, I will get back to you. Be patient! I do need help in producing and distributing. If anyone wants to donate funds to continue these tracts, contact this web site, do not send funds to me. Funds would be used to pay someone to set up the tracts and to print them, and to distribute them via the mail. This is not a “non profit” organization, it is simply a person doing what God gave him to do, your help is appreciated. Your salvation is mandatory for your eternal future.

God bless,
Paul Bero, Michigan prisoner